Image of a woman with flowers around her head

Energy Purpose Growth
Coaching for performance and wellbeing

“Doing your own thinking is the first step in making a difference.”

Double Loop Coaching is a coaching consultancy. We work with individuals and organisations, supporting them to reflect on their objectives and challenges and empowering them to unlock their potential and achieve their goals.

    What We Offer

    • A woman walking on a path in a wood


      We offer one-off sessions and programmes providing a calm and supportive environment in which you can think for yourself - with rigour, imagination and courage.
    • Large group of men and women on a path in a wood.


      We work with organisations providing coaching programmes for leaders, bespoke corporate workshops and team facilitation. We can help improve wellbeing and unlock performance in a way that is a triple win for people, profit and planet.
    • A woman's face surrounded by flowers


      Introducing Empower: a six-session coaching programme designed to help you embrace your strengths, harness your inner critic and develop the confidence to succeed in all areas of life.

    What's in a Name?
    Unlocking Transformation and Growth

    Through the busyness of life most of us only have space to try and do the task in front of us a little bit better. This is single loop learning. We encourage our clients to venture onto the second loop, delving into underlying assumptions and mental models to ask if the task they are doing is the right one. Through double loop learning, we question, challenge, and reframe existing perspectives, fostering genuine growth.
      Plant bursting into flower

      What People Say

      • “Melissa is positive and patient and seemingly never tires of me needing more time to reflect or returning to the same question. She is perceptive – often picking up on repeated words or ideas that I haven’t noticed that then become key in guiding the discussion. She recognises patterns in discussion over time which has been hugely beneficial to me.”

        Senior Leader in Education
      • "I’ve found tremendous value in my coaching sessions with Rob. My job is busy and I’ve never found time to pause and reflect before, I’m usually moving from one task or project directly to another. Working with Rob has allowed me to take a step back, to thoughtfully reflect on how I’m feeling and how things are going, to identify what’s working and to find opportunities to improve. "

        Advertising Account Director
      • “Melissa asks the right questions at the right moment and I found her to be incredible at supporting my journey and helping me discover more in each session… through the help of coaching I unlocked an abundance of inner strength that I now know how to tap into.”

      • "Rob is incredibly effective. In a short period of time he helped me to solve issues and progress in areas where I had been stuck for years. Although we were separated by a Zoom screen, his genuine compassion, consideration and expertise were readily apparent. Rob always approached our time together with the clear intention of being solution and growth focused."

        Principal Recruitment Consultant
      • “I am definitely happier, more confident and better at my job because of the sessions with Melissa…[she] gently questioned and challenged me in such a way that took me on a journey to find what I needed to be confident in myself and my ability to do my job well.”

        Senior Charity Manager
      • "It was beneficial to set aside time and truly talk through issues, motivations, past experiences, aspirations, and annoyances in real detail, in a way that’s not possible outside of a coaching environment as people usually expect more of a two-way conversation. The experience of being actively listened to by Rob helped uncover some entrenched (and sometimes flawed) beliefs that were ripe for being challenged."

        Lead Software Engineer